Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Make The Most of Today.

Skimm this post please!

Recently my sister's fellow graduate from UPenn approached me for some help spreading the word on her website http://www.theskimm.com.  As an avid reader of the Daily Skimm's posts I immediately took on the challenge inviting my sorority and sending out a mass amount of Facebook invitations.  I thought this website was pertinent to the issues brought up in our class not only because it is helpful, innovative, insightful, and youthful but because it encourages entrepreneurship, the use of social media, and allows us to understand how information is spread.  The Skimm feeds me my news in an easy-to-read and efficient fashion.  It brings up the significant issues in our society covering a wide spectrum of newsworthy topics from politics to popular culture.  Furthermore, theSkimm and its emails are perfect for my fast-paced lifestyle.  I get my news on the go and it is already sorted through for me! The Skimm's mission statement says: "theSkimm is the daily newsletter that simplifies the headlines for the educated professional who knows enough to know she needs more.  We do the reading for you and explain it with fresh editorial content, breaking down what you need to know to start the conversation."  These girls are a well-oiled machine and clearly a team to watch.  The dynamic duo have a successful blog: http://theskimm.tumblr.com and I encourage you all to check out their Facebook page!  If you like what you see -and I know that you will- then please sign up immediately and support theSkimm...after all they are fellow budding entrepreneurs!

Don't Hate What You Don't Understand!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Classmate Comparison

Reading my classmates' responses to who they follow on Twitter, I can develop a common pattern to each own's madness.  Seems like everyone begins with following friends and then expands their following network to their interests.  People follow celebrities, news, popular figures, and brands that they feel a connection to.  Kyle Stiefel follows musical artists, venues, and ticketing companies so that he can gain access to pre-sale information for tickets and concert news.  BlizzardDevil follows in her blog, numerous local and global news stations and networks and also follows celebrity accounts such as The Real Housewives of New Jersey.  Emma Diehl in her beautiful blog, follows celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, political campaigns, and local news from her hometown.  Everyone uses Twitter in a personalized way, but we all love and enjoy Twitter.  

What's everyone lookin' at (Twitter)?

I use my Twitter account to follow not only my friends and classmates, but also news feeds, celebrities, public figures, charities, fashion and style (blogs, brands, icons, companies), and music artists and blogs.  Some Twitter accounts I specifically follow include: American Express, Paris Hilton, Lehigh Athletics, classmates, Avicii, Romney, Obama, Bill Clinton.  Twitter is a very versatile social media tool and it enables news to reach a large audience almost instantaneously.  I use my Twitter to become updated in the most current events whether political or popular culture.  Furthermore, I believe that I utilize my Twitter account most successfully in keeping in touch with friends and family.  Ultimately, I use Twitter, both my public and private accounts, to inspire my followers (the masses) with statuses that are meaningful  or poignant to me.     

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Brief Beauty Blog Post...

Trend Watch: look out for shades of burgundy, black, and taupe along with metallics for fall's newest nail colors to be flaunted this season.  SEE: Chanel's color "Vamp", Essie, OPI, and Zoya for inspiration!

My favorite nail trend of the summer: neons and accent nails, don these beauty musts while they still are au courant...

Alice in Wonderland....simply wonderful

Art (music) is the language of the people

I just read Kyle's blog on music and I think his thoughts about music being this universal language is so important.  All forms of art have this worldwide appreciation and understanding.  Going to concerts and other festivals, people of diverse backgrounds join together for one common love.  What's the moral of the story here: art is the universal language of the people.  Generations connect over songs from the past or peers come together over more provocative modern music such as EDM, Dubstep, and Trap - all art forms allow us to connect on an intimate and general level.  Whether I am listening to Seal, Bruce Springstein, Avicii, or Jay-Z - even classical, you connect or are transported to a certain time and place with a diverse group of people, now that is magical.

Take You Higher (Club Mix) - Listen to this youtube clip of one of my favorite songs!

check out some music blogs such as...
Dirty Mexican Lemonade
The Cover Lovers

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Zoellner and LUAG....take a peek please! (art nerd)

I am biased being that I am an Art History Major, but I have to say these past 2 weeks I have been so thoroughly impressed by Lehigh's art collection.  At your fingertips in Zoellner there are Sisley, Warhol, Vuillard, Signac, and many other incredible artists.  There are changing exhibits in the top floor as well.  Recently, I have been up on the mountain visting the private collection in its entirety - WE HAVE EVERYTHING! Seeing Daubigny and other 19th century masters up close is unbelievable!  Our department has very few majors and we need more students to take an interest and get involved.  Please inquire about taking art history courses as fun electives, go look at the galleries or see if you can have special entrance up at Building J!! We are so fortunate to have these pieces; however, they are basically unknown on campus...so take a look in your spare time - I promise you won't be disappointed!  And if your lucky...like my fellow 7 classmates you can even go to our President's house to see a Picasso, Prendergast, and Glackens piece... let's hope I am not too intimidated!

--> above Alfred Sisley's Pont Moret.....we have the exact same painting from a different view downstairs at Zoellner across from RBC, ask for Ricardo Viera there or speak to Nick Sawicki in CU!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

What everyone is sharing...

After reading numerous blog posts from other classmates I have realized whether novice or expert we really all are in the same position in our class.  No one knows exactly what to do and is unsure regardless of their standing and experience with social media and networking.

Students are starting to spice up their blogs with their own personal flares.  I love Emily's choice in font.  The use of pictures in blogs is truly inspiring.  I know that on Facebook I always post pictures and music as well for my own pleasure and to share with others!  My fellow classmate, Kimmy has similar ideas to mine.  She believes bloggers need to write with cache and rhythmic tantilizing prose.  She also appreciates the unique features of other students' blogs.  Ally's post how she likes to have fun and "dabble" on Twitter explains exactly how I feel.  Twitter is a personal experience for me where I can crack jokes with friends and explore more subjects.  Conversely, Kyle's blog talks about the importance of censorship on Twitter and even more importantly Facebook.  In addition, he writes about the repercussions and ramifications of your actions on the internet.  Your behavior in cyberspace remains permanent....has anyone ever tried googling themselves?  To me the bottom line is keep your blog fun and interesting but most of all follow the old adage - think before you act (or type/click in our case)!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Twitter vs. Facebook

I have had a Twitter account for over a year now, and I just created a second public account for our class. In comparison, I have been on Facebook since my freshman year of high school if not sooner.  I believe Facebook has become ubiquitous in our society - and acts as the new "myspace" of our generation (strangers can message you now!).  Twitter, on the other hand, is not quite as universal in our society and is still rare.

In my own experience I use Facebook purely for personal use.  I post pictures, write wall posts, comment on friends walls, generally keep in touch only with people I know of.  Conversely, with Twitter I follow celebrities, museums, friends, family, even political figures.  With Twitter I post my personal thoughts of inspiration or amusing quotes with other users.  With Twitter I can start a conversation on one subject/topic simply by using a hashtag.  On Facebook I comment directly and purposefully towards a friend instead of a general audience.  With Twitter I feel I simply post statuses and things I enjoy for those who wish to follow me while Facebook has less privacy and I need to filter myself so that I don't bombard anyone's newsfeed.

Social Media truly has entered every aspect of our society and I believe it is only the beginning.  There are drawbacks to everything - lack of privacy, etc. However it has made globalization in terms of communication occur at an alarming rate (global shrinking phenomenon).  Celebrities now have verified Twitters and Facebook pages, even public officials, and news conglomerates as well.  We are past the age of the internet and have entered the time of social media.  Due to the prevalence of iPads, smartphones, computers, and other devices, social media is accessible basically anywhere and can infiltrate our lives.  Ultimately, social media is at the nexus of our society and we are all waiting for the next innovation to come to fruition.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Change in Management

I believe the change in management can be traced to a post on July 17th.  My primary reason to believe this is due to the announcement of the new website.  A new website can imply an affiliation with a new set of administration (managers).  In conjunction, if you look at previous posts on the page the tone and frequency has changed.  I am not 100% sure though because there is no official announcement.

Increasing Facebook Page Likes

To increase the number of Facebook likes on the Zoellner page can be accomplished in a variety of ways.  There are a plethora of resources on campus.  Personally, I would use members of Greek Life to spread the word.  Making announcements at PanHel and other on-campus organizations would reach a large number of students.  Having advertisements in written mediums such as the Brown and White or local newspapers would also be productive.  The LUAG could post on their website and have various members of the art's staff such as Ricardo Viera make announcements.  School-wide e-mails would reach all students; however, not all members of the Lehigh community check them.  Furthermore, other forms of social media such as Twitter would spread the word about the Facebook page, depending on the amount of "likes" desired. 

Social Media Manager

I do not necessarily believe that a manager of a social media firm has to be 25 years of age or younger.  If a professional is knowledgeable in their field, their age has no effect on their competency.  The argument can be made that the youth in our society have grown up interacting with the newest technology; therefore, they are incredibly tech-savvy and aware in our media-centric society.  Work ethic and knowledge comes with age; however, ultimately the professionals of a younger generation are more comfortable and efficient in utilizing social media.