After reading numerous blog posts from other classmates I have realized whether novice or expert we really all are in the same position in our class. No one knows exactly what to do and is unsure regardless of their standing and experience with social media and networking.
Students are starting to spice up their blogs with their own personal flares. I love Emily's choice in font. The use of pictures in blogs is truly inspiring. I know that on Facebook I always post pictures and music as well for my own pleasure and to share with others! My fellow classmate, Kimmy has similar ideas to mine. She believes bloggers need to write with cache and rhythmic tantilizing prose. She also appreciates the unique features of other students' blogs. Ally's post how she likes to have fun and "dabble" on Twitter explains exactly how I feel. Twitter is a personal experience for me where I can crack jokes with friends and explore more subjects. Conversely, Kyle's blog talks about the importance of censorship on Twitter and even more importantly Facebook. In addition, he writes about the repercussions and ramifications of your actions on the internet. Your behavior in cyberspace remains permanent....has anyone ever tried googling themselves? To me the bottom line is keep your blog fun and interesting but most of all follow the old adage - think before you act (or type/click in our case)!
It's a wild frontier, no doubt.