Sunday, September 23, 2012

What's everyone lookin' at (Twitter)?

I use my Twitter account to follow not only my friends and classmates, but also news feeds, celebrities, public figures, charities, fashion and style (blogs, brands, icons, companies), and music artists and blogs.  Some Twitter accounts I specifically follow include: American Express, Paris Hilton, Lehigh Athletics, classmates, Avicii, Romney, Obama, Bill Clinton.  Twitter is a very versatile social media tool and it enables news to reach a large audience almost instantaneously.  I use my Twitter to become updated in the most current events whether political or popular culture.  Furthermore, I believe that I utilize my Twitter account most successfully in keeping in touch with friends and family.  Ultimately, I use Twitter, both my public and private accounts, to inspire my followers (the masses) with statuses that are meaningful  or poignant to me.     

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